
"This article will guide you through the different ways you can add companies to a watchlist inside the Risika platform.

Tip: Remember that you can add more lists, which allows you to get a better overview of different types of customers/businesses. 

There are three ways to add companies to a watch list.

NB: The fastest way is to import an Excel or csv file where there is a column with all the CVR numbers you want to monitor. Go to point 3 to read more about this


The first is to do it directly from the "Credit Check" page. Here you can click on the "Monitor company" button in the right corner of the page, where you can add the company to one of your monitoring lists.

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You also have the option to add companies to monitoring directly from the search function. When you search for a company and the list of results comes up and BEFORE you click on a company, there will be a column with yellow buttons called "Monitor" where you can add the companies to one of your lists.

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The last option is clearly the fastest method, as you can add many companies at once. If you are on the "Monitoring" page and go to your preferred list.
On the right side, just under "Monitors back" there is a small button where you can import companies simply by having a list of CVR numbers on. Here you can just click the button, drag and drop the list and the system will automatically import all the companies from your list for monitoring. However, this only works with .xlsx or .csv files.
Skærmbillede 2022-07-12 kl. 09.12.38